std::vector< CatalogStar > | lost::BscParse (std::string tsvPath) |
| Parse the bright star catalog from the TSV file on disk. More...
const Catalog & | lost::CatalogRead () |
| Read and parse the full catalog from disk. If called multiple times, will re-use the first result. More...
unsigned char * | lost::SurfaceToGrayscaleImage (cairo_surface_t *cairoSurface) |
| Convert a colored Cairo image surface into a row-major array of grayscale pixels. More...
cairo_surface_t * | lost::GrayscaleImageToSurface (const unsigned char *image, const int width, const int height) |
void | lost::SurfacePlot (std::string description, cairo_surface_t *cairoSurface, const Stars &stars, const StarIdentifiers *starIds, const Catalog *catalog, const Attitude *attitude, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha, bool rawStarIndexes=false) |
| Plot information about an image onto the image using Cairo. More...
SerializeContext | lost::serFromDbValues (const DatabaseOptions &values) |
MultiDatabaseDescriptor | lost::GenerateDatabases (const Catalog &, const DatabaseOptions &values) |
| Appropriately create descriptors for all requested databases according to command-line options. More...
std::ostream & | lost::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Camera &camera) |
| Print information about the camera in machine and human-readable form. More...
decimal | lost::FocalLengthFromOptions (const PipelineOptions &values, int xResolution) |
| Calculate the focal length, in pixels, based on the given command line options. More...
PipelineInputList | lost::GetPngPipelineInput (const PipelineOptions &values) |
| Create a PngPipelineInput using command line options. More...
PipelineInputList | lost::GetGeneratedPipelineInput (const PipelineOptions &values) |
| Create a GeneratedPipelineInput based on the command line options in values More...
PipelineInputList | lost::GetPipelineInput (const PipelineOptions &values) |
| Come up with a list of pipeline inputs based on command line options. More...
Pipeline | lost::SetPipeline (const PipelineOptions &values) |
| Create a pipeline from command line options. More...
CentroidComparison | lost::CentroidsCompare (decimal threshold, const Stars &expected, const Stars &actual) |
| Compare expected and actual centroids. More...
CentroidComparison | lost::CentroidComparisonsCombine (std::vector< CentroidComparison > comparisons) |
StarIdComparison | lost::StarIdsCompare (const StarIdentifiers &expected, const StarIdentifiers &actual, const Catalog &expectedCatalog, const Catalog &actualCatalog, decimal centroidThreshold, const Stars &expectedStars, const Stars &inputStars) |
| Compare expected and actual star identifications. More...
void | lost::PipelineComparatorPlotCentroidIndices (std::ostream &os, const PipelineInputList &expected, const std::vector< PipelineOutput > &actual, const PipelineOptions &) |
| Plot an annotated image where centroids are annotated with their centroid index. More...
void | lost::PipelineComparison (const PipelineInputList &expected, const std::vector< PipelineOutput > &actual, const PipelineOptions &values) |
| Print or otherwise analyze the results of (perhaps multiple) runs of a star tracking pipeline. More...