A star from the Bright Star Catalog.
CatalogStar(decimal raj2000, decimal dej2000, int magnitude, int name)
Create a CatalogStar using its celestial/spherical coordinates.
int name
A unique number which unambiguously identifies the catalog star.
CatalogStar(Vec3 spatial, int magnitude, int name)
int magnitude
The magnitude of the star, with the decimal point shifted two places right.
Vec3 spatial
The point on the unit sphere where the star lies.
A "centroid" detected in an image.
decimal radiusY
Approximate vertical radius of the bright area in pixels.
Star(decimal x, decimal y, decimal radiusX, decimal radiusY, int magnitude)
Create a zeroed-out star. Fields should be set immediately after construction.
Vec2 position
The (x,y) pixel coordinates in the image (top left is 0,0)
Star(decimal x, decimal y, decimal radiusX)
Convenience constructor that sets Star.radiusY = radiusX and Star.magnitude = 0.
decimal radiusX
Approximate horizontal radius of the bright area in pixels.
int magnitude
A relative measure of magnitude of the star.
Records that a certain Star (detected in the image) corresponds to a certain CatalogStar.
decimal weight
A weight indicating the confidence of this idenification. Often just 1.
bool operator==(const StarIdentifier &other) const
int catalogIndex
An index into an array of CatalogStar objects.
StarIdentifier(int starIndex, int catalogIndex, int weight)
StarIdentifier(int starIndex, int catalogIndex)
Sets StarIdentifier.weight = 1.
int starIndex
An index into an array of Star objects.
Three dimensional vector with decimaling point components.
std::vector< StarIdentifier > StarIdentifiers
void SerializeCatalog(SerializeContext *ser, const Catalog &catalog, bool inclMagnitude, bool inclName)
Serialize the catalog to buffer.
Catalog DeserializeCatalog(DeserializeContext *des, bool *inclMagnitudeReturn, bool *inclNameReturn)
Deserialize a catalog.
decimal MagToBrightness(int mag)
returns some relative brightness measure, which is proportional to the total number of photons receiv...
std::vector< Star > Stars
Vec3 SphericalToSpatial(decimal ra, decimal de)
Convert from right ascension & declination to a 3d point on the unit sphere.
Catalog NarrowCatalog(const Catalog &catalog, int maxMagnitude, int maxStars, decimal minSeparation)
Remove unwanted stars from an unfiltered catalog.
Catalog::const_iterator FindNamedStar(const Catalog &catalog, int name)
Return a pointer to the star with the given name, or NULL if not found.
std::vector< CatalogStar > Catalog
A two dimensional vector with decimaling point components.