LOST  0.0.1
LOST: Open-source Star Tracker
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "attitude-utils.hpp"
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include <assert.h>
5 #include <cmath>
6 #include <iostream>
8 #include "decimal.hpp"
9 #include "serialize-helpers.hpp"
11 namespace lost {
15  return Quaternion(
16  real*other.real - i*other.i - j*other.j - k*other.k,
17  real*other.i + other.real*i + j*other.k - k*other.j,
18  real*other.j + other.real*j + k*other.i - i*other.k,
19  real*other.k + other.real*k + i*other.j - j*other.i);
20 }
24  return Quaternion(real, -i, -j, -k);
25 }
29  return { i, j, k };
30 }
33 void Quaternion::SetVector(const Vec3 &vec) {
34  i = vec.x;
35  j = vec.y;
36  k = vec.z;
37 }
41  real = 0;
42  SetVector(input);
43 }
46 Quaternion::Quaternion(const Vec3 &input, decimal theta) {
47  real = DECIMAL_COS(theta/2);
48  // the compiler will optimize it. Right?
49  i = input.x * DECIMAL_SIN(theta/2);
50  j = input.y * DECIMAL_SIN(theta/2);
51  k = input.z * DECIMAL_SIN(theta/2);
52 }
55 Vec3 Quaternion::Rotate(const Vec3 &input) const {
56  // TODO: optimize
57  return ((*this)*Quaternion(input)*Conjugate()).Vector();
58 }
62  if (real <= -1) {
63  return 0; // 180*2=360=0
64  }
65  // TODO: we shouldn't need this nonsense, right? how come acos sometimes gives nan? (same as in AngleUnit)
66  return (real >= 1 ? 0 : DECIMAL_ACOS(real))*2;
67 }
70  decimal rawAngle = Angle();
71  return rawAngle > DECIMAL_M_PI
72  ? 2*DECIMAL_M_PI - rawAngle
73  : rawAngle;
74 }
76 void Quaternion::SetAngle(decimal newAngle) {
77  real = DECIMAL_COS(newAngle/2);
78  SetVector(Vector().Normalize() * DECIMAL_SIN(newAngle/2));
79 }
82  // Working out these equations would be a pain in the ass. Thankfully, this wikipedia page:
83  // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_between_quaternions_and_Euler_angles#Quaternion_to_Euler_angles_conversion
84  // uses almost exactly the same euler angle scheme that we do, so we copy their equations almost
85  // wholesale. The only differences are that 1, we use de and roll in the opposite directions,
86  // and 2, we store the conjugate of the quaternion (double check why?), which means we need to
87  // invert the final de and roll terms, as well as negate all the terms involving a mix between
88  // the real and imaginary parts.
89  decimal ra = DECIMAL_ATAN2(2*(-real*k+i*j), 1-2*(j*j+k*k));
90  if (ra < 0)
91  ra += 2*DECIMAL_M_PI;
92  decimal de = -DECIMAL_ASIN(2*(-real*j-i*k)); // allow de to be positive or negaive, as is convention
93  decimal roll = -DECIMAL_ATAN2(2*(-real*i+j*k), 1-2*(i*i+j*j));
94  if (roll < 0)
95  roll += 2*DECIMAL_M_PI;
97  return EulerAngles(ra, de, roll);
98 }
101  assert(roll >= DECIMAL(0.0) && roll <= 2*DECIMAL_M_PI);
102  assert(ra >= DECIMAL(0.0) && ra <= 2*DECIMAL_M_PI);
103  assert(dec >= -DECIMAL_M_PI && dec <= DECIMAL_M_PI);
105  // when we are modifying the coordinate axes, the quaternion multiplication works so that the
106  // rotations are applied from left to right. This is the opposite as for modifying vectors.
108  // It is indeed correct that a positive rotation in our right-handed coordinate frame is in the
109  // clockwise direction when looking down/through the axis of rotation. Just like the right hand
110  // rule for magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.
111  Quaternion a = Quaternion({ 0, 0, 1 }, ra);
112  Quaternion b = Quaternion({ 0, 1, 0 }, -dec);
113  Quaternion c = Quaternion({ 1, 0, 0 }, -roll);
114  Quaternion result = (a*b*c).Conjugate();
115  assert(result.IsUnit(0.00001));
116  return result;
117 }
120 bool Quaternion::IsUnit(decimal tolerance) const {
121  return abs(i*i+j*j+k*k+real*real - 1) < tolerance;
122 }
128  if (real >= 0) {
129  return *this;
130  }
132  return Quaternion(-real, -i, -j, -k);
133 }
137  return {
140  DECIMAL_SIN(de),
141  };
142 }
145 void SpatialToSpherical(const Vec3 &vec, decimal *ra, decimal *de) {
146  *ra = DECIMAL_ATAN2(vec.y, vec.x);
147  if (*ra < 0)
148  *ra += DECIMAL_M_PI*2;
149  *de = DECIMAL_ASIN(vec.z);
150 }
153  return rad*DECIMAL(180.0)/DECIMAL_M_PI;
154 }
157  return deg/DECIMAL(180.0)*DECIMAL_M_PI;
158 }
161  return RadToDeg(rad) * DECIMAL(3600.0);
162 }
165  return DegToRad(arcSec / DECIMAL(3600.0));
166 }
169  // first but not last chatgpt generated code in lost:
170  decimal result = x - mod * DECIMAL_FLOOR(x / mod);
171  return result >= 0 ? result : result + mod;
172 }
176  return DECIMAL_FMA(x,x,DECIMAL_FMA(y,y, z*z));
177 }
181  return DECIMAL_FMA(x,x, y*y);
182 }
185  return DECIMAL_HYPOT(DECIMAL_HYPOT(x, y), z); // not sure if this is faster than a simple sqrt, but it does have less error?
186 }
189  return DECIMAL_HYPOT(x, y);
190 }
194  decimal mag = Magnitude();
195  return {
196  x/mag, y/mag, z/mag,
197  };
198 }
201 decimal Vec3::operator*(const Vec3 &other) const {
202  return DECIMAL_FMA(x,other.x, DECIMAL_FMA(y,other.y, z*other.z));
203 }
206 Vec2 Vec2::operator*(const decimal &other) const {
207  return { x*other, y*other };
208 }
211 Vec3 Vec3::operator*(const decimal &other) const {
212  return { x*other, y*other, z*other };
213 }
216 Vec2 Vec2::operator+(const Vec2 &other) const {
217  return {x + other.x, y + other.y };
218 }
221 Vec2 Vec2::operator-(const Vec2 &other) const {
222  return { x - other.x, y - other.y };
223 }
226 Vec3 Vec3::operator-(const Vec3 &other) const {
227  return { x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z };
228 }
231 Vec3 Vec3::CrossProduct(const Vec3 &other) const {
232  return {
233  y*other.z - z*other.y,
234  -(x*other.z - z*other.x),
235  x*other.y - y*other.x,
236  };
237 }
240 Mat3 Vec3::OuterProduct(const Vec3 &other) const {
241  return {
242  x*other.x, x*other.y, x*other.z,
243  y*other.x, y*other.y, y*other.z,
244  z*other.x, z*other.y, z*other.z
245  };
246 }
249 Vec3 Vec3::operator*(const Mat3 &other) const {
250  return {
251  x*other.At(0,0) + y*other.At(0,1) + z*other.At(0,2),
252  x*other.At(1,0) + y*other.At(1,1) + z*other.At(1,2),
253  x*other.At(2,0) + y*other.At(2,1) + z*other.At(2,2),
254  };
255 }
258 decimal Mat3::At(int i, int j) const {
259  return x[3*i+j];
260 }
263 Vec3 Mat3::Column(int j) const {
264  return {At(0,j), At(1,j), At(2,j)};
265 }
268 Vec3 Mat3::Row(int i) const {
269  return {At(i,0), At(i,1), At(i,2)};
270 }
273 Mat3 Mat3::operator+(const Mat3 &other) const {
274  return {
275  At(0,0)+other.At(0,0), At(0,1)+other.At(0,1), At(0,2)+other.At(0,2),
276  At(1,0)+other.At(1,0), At(1,1)+other.At(1,1), At(1,2)+other.At(1,2),
277  At(2,0)+other.At(2,0), At(2,1)+other.At(2,1), At(2,2)+other.At(2,2)
278  };
279 }
282 Mat3 Mat3::operator*(const Mat3 &other) const {
283 #define _MATMUL_ENTRY(row, col) At(row,0)*other.At(0,col) + At(row,1)*other.At(1,col) + At(row,2)*other.At(2,col)
284  return {
288  };
289 #undef _MATMUL_ENTRY
290 }
293 Vec3 Mat3::operator*(const Vec3 &vec) const {
294  return {
295  vec.x*At(0,0) + vec.y*At(0,1) + vec.z*At(0,2),
296  vec.x*At(1,0) + vec.y*At(1,1) + vec.z*At(1,2),
297  vec.x*At(2,0) + vec.y*At(2,1) + vec.z*At(2,2),
298  };
299 }
302 Mat3 Mat3::operator*(const decimal &s) const {
303  return {
304  s*At(0,0), s*At(0,1), s*At(0,2),
305  s*At(1,0), s*At(1,1), s*At(1,2),
306  s*At(2,0), s*At(2,1), s*At(2,2)
307  };
308 }
312  return {
313  At(0,0), At(1,0), At(2,0),
314  At(0,1), At(1,1), At(2,1),
315  At(0,2), At(1,2), At(2,2),
316  };
317 }
321  return At(0,0) + At(1,1) + At(2,2);
322 }
326  return (At(0,0) * (At(1,1)*At(2,2) - At(2,1)*At(1,2))) - (At(0,1) * (At(1,0)*At(2,2) - At(2,0)*At(1,2))) + (At(0,2) * (At(1,0)*At(2,1) - At(2,0)*At(1,1)));
327 }
331  // https://ardoris.wordpress.com/2008/07/18/general-formula-for-the-inverse-of-a-3x3-matrix/
332  decimal scalar = 1 / Det();
334  Mat3 res = {
335  At(1,1)*At(2,2) - At(1,2)*At(2,1), At(0,2)*At(2,1) - At(0,1)*At(2,2), At(0,1)*At(1,2) - At(0,2)*At(1,1),
336  At(1,2)*At(2,0) - At(1,0)*At(2,2), At(0,0)*At(2,2) - At(0,2)*At(2,0), At(0,2)*At(1,0) - At(0,0)*At(1,2),
337  At(1,0)*At(2,1) - At(1,1)*At(2,0), At(0,1)*At(2,0) - At(0,0)*At(2,1), At(0,0)*At(1,1) - At(0,1)*At(1,0)
338  };
340  return res * scalar;
341 }
344  const Mat3 kIdentityMat3 = {1,0,0,
345  0,1,0,
346  0,0,1};
349  : type(AttitudeType::QuaternionType), quaternion(quat) {}
351 Attitude::Attitude(const Mat3 &matrix)
352  : type(AttitudeType::DCMType), dcm(matrix) {}
356  Vec3 x = quat.Rotate({1, 0, 0});
357  Vec3 y = quat.Rotate({0, 1, 0});
358  Vec3 z = quat.Rotate({0, 0, 1});
359  return {
360  x.x, y.x, z.x,
361  x.y, y.y, z.y,
362  x.z, y.z, z.z,
363  };
364 }
368  // Make a quaternion that rotates the reference frame X-axis into the dcm's X-axis, just like
369  // the DCM itself does
370  Vec3 oldXAxis = Vec3({1, 0, 0});
371  Vec3 newXAxis = dcm.Column(0); // this is where oldXAxis is mapped to
372  assert(DECIMAL_ABS(newXAxis.Magnitude()-1) < DECIMAL(0.001));
373  Vec3 xAlignAxis = oldXAxis.CrossProduct(newXAxis).Normalize();
374  decimal xAlignAngle = AngleUnit(oldXAxis, newXAxis);
375  Quaternion xAlign(xAlignAxis, xAlignAngle);
377  // Make a quaternion that will rotate the Y-axis into place
378  Vec3 oldYAxis = xAlign.Rotate({0, 1, 0});
379  Vec3 newYAxis = dcm.Column(1);
380  // we still need to take the cross product, because acos returns a value in [0,pi], and thus we
381  // need to know which direction to rotate before we rotate. We do this by checking if the cross
382  // product of old and new y axes is in the same direction as the new X axis.
383  bool rotateClockwise = oldYAxis.CrossProduct(newYAxis) * newXAxis > 0; // * is dot product
384  Quaternion yAlign({1, 0, 0}, AngleUnit(oldYAxis, newYAxis) * (rotateClockwise ? 1 : -1));
386  // We're done! There's no need to worry about the Z-axis because the handed-ness of the
387  // coordinate system is always preserved, which means the Z-axis is uniquely determined as the
388  // cross product of the X- and Y-axes. This goes to show that DCMs store redundant information.
390  // we want the y alignment to have memory of X, which means we put its multiplication on the
391  // right
392  return xAlign*yAlign;
393 }
397  switch (type) {
398  case AttitudeType::QuaternionType:
399  return quaternion;
400  case AttitudeType::DCMType:
401  return DCMToQuaternion(dcm);
402  default:
403  assert(false);
404  }
405 }
409  switch (type) {
410  case AttitudeType::DCMType:
411  return dcm;
412  case AttitudeType::QuaternionType:
413  return QuaternionToDCM(quaternion);
414  default:
415  assert(false);
416  }
417 }
420 Vec3 Attitude::Rotate(const Vec3 &vec) const {
421  switch (type) {
422  case AttitudeType::DCMType:
423  return dcm*vec;
424  case AttitudeType::QuaternionType:
425  return quaternion.Rotate(vec);
426  default:
427  assert(false);
428  }
429 }
433  switch (type) {
434  case AttitudeType::DCMType:
435  return GetQuaternion().ToSpherical();
436  case AttitudeType::QuaternionType:
437  return quaternion.ToSpherical();
438  default:
439  assert(false);
440  }
441 }
443 bool Attitude::IsKnown() const {
444  switch (type) {
445  case AttitudeType::DCMType:
446  case AttitudeType::QuaternionType:
447  return true;
448  default:
449  return false;
450  }
451 }
454 void SerializeVec3(SerializeContext *ser, const Vec3 &vec) {
455  SerializePrimitive<decimal>(ser, vec.x);
456  SerializePrimitive<decimal>(ser, vec.y);
457  SerializePrimitive<decimal>(ser, vec.z);
458 }
461  Vec3 result = {
462  DeserializePrimitive<decimal>(des),
463  DeserializePrimitive<decimal>(des),
464  DeserializePrimitive<decimal>(des),
465  };
466  return result;
467 }
470 decimal Angle(const Vec3 &vec1, const Vec3 &vec2) {
471  return AngleUnit(vec1.Normalize(), vec2.Normalize());
472 }
479 decimal AngleUnit(const Vec3 &vec1, const Vec3 &vec2) {
480  decimal dot = vec1*vec2;
481  // TODO: we shouldn't need this nonsense, right? how come acos sometimes gives nan?
482  return dot >= 1 ? 0 : dot <= -1 ? DECIMAL_M_PI-DECIMAL(0.0000001) : DECIMAL_ACOS(dot);
483 }
485 }
#define _MATMUL_ENTRY(row, col)
EulerAngles ToSpherical() const
Get the euler angles from the attitude, converting from whatever format is stored.
Vec3 Rotate(const Vec3 &) const
Convert a vector from the reference frame to the body frame.
Mat3 GetDCM() const
Get the rotation matrix (direction cosine matrix) representing the attitude, converting from whatever...
constructs unknown attitude:
Quaternion GetQuaternion() const
Get the quaternion representing the attitude, converting from whatever format is stored.
bool IsKnown() const
A "human-readable" way to represent a 3d rotation or orientation.
3x3 vector with decimaling point components
Mat3 Inverse() const
Inverse of a matrix.
Vec3 Column(int) const
Get the column at index j.
Vec3 Row(int) const
Get the row at index i.
decimal Det() const
Determinant of a matrix.
Mat3 Transpose() const
Transpose of a matrix.
decimal Trace() const
Trace of a matrix.
decimal At(int i, int j) const
Access the i,j-th element of the matrix.
Mat3 operator+(const Mat3 &) const
Normal matrix addition.
decimal x[9]
Mat3 operator*(const Mat3 &) const
Naive matrix multiplication.
A quaternion is a common way to represent a 3d rotation.
Quaternion Canonicalize() const
Ensure that the quaternion's real part is nonnegative.
Vec3 Vector() const
The vector formed by imaginary components of the quaternion. The axis of the represented rotation.
decimal Angle() const
How many radians the rotation represented by this quaternion has.
EulerAngles ToSpherical() const
Vec3 Rotate(const Vec3 &) const
Rotate a 3d vector according to the rotation represented by the quaternion.
Quaternion Conjugate() const
Effectively computes a quaternion representing the inverse rotation of the original.
void SetVector(const Vec3 &)
Set imaginary components.
Quaternion operator*(const Quaternion &other) const
Multiply two quaternions using the usual definition of quaternion multiplication (effectively compose...
void SetAngle(decimal)
bool IsUnit(decimal tolerance) const
Whether the quaternion is a unit quaternion. All quaternions representing rotations should be units.
decimal SmallestAngle() const
Returns the smallest angle that can be used to represent the rotation represented by the quaternion.
Three dimensional vector with decimaling point components.
Vec3 Normalize() const
Create a vector pointing in the same direction with magnitude 1.
decimal MagnitudeSq() const
The square of the magnitude.
Mat3 OuterProduct(const Vec3 &) const
The outer product of two vectors.
decimal operator*(const Vec3 &) const
Dot product.
Vec3 CrossProduct(const Vec3 &) const
Usual vector cross product.
decimal Magnitude() const
Vec3 operator-(const Vec3 &) const
Usual vector subtraction.
double decimal
Definition: decimal.hpp:11
#define DECIMAL_ASIN(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:55
#define DECIMAL(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:21
#define DECIMAL_FMA(x, y, z)
Definition: decimal.hpp:61
#define DECIMAL_M_PI
Definition: decimal.hpp:29
#define DECIMAL_HYPOT(x, y)
Definition: decimal.hpp:62
#define DECIMAL_SIN(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:52
#define DECIMAL_ABS(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:49
#define DECIMAL_ATAN2(x, y)
Definition: decimal.hpp:58
#define DECIMAL_COS(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:53
#define DECIMAL_ACOS(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:56
#define DECIMAL_FLOOR(x)
Definition: decimal.hpp:48
LOST starting point.
Mat3 QuaternionToDCM(const Quaternion &quat)
Convert a quaternion to a rotation matrix (Direction Cosine Matrix)
decimal RadToArcSec(decimal rad)
decimal ArcSecToRad(decimal arcSec)
void SpatialToSpherical(const Vec3 &vec, decimal *ra, decimal *de)
Convert from a 3d point on the unit sphere to right ascension & declination.
decimal AngleUnit(const Vec3 &vec1, const Vec3 &vec2)
Calculate the inner angle, in radians, between two /unit/ vectors.
decimal DegToRad(decimal deg)
Quaternion SphericalToQuaternion(decimal ra, decimal dec, decimal roll)
Return a quaternion that will reorient the coordinate axes so that the x-axis points at the given rig...
Vec3 SphericalToSpatial(decimal ra, decimal de)
Convert from right ascension & declination to a 3d point on the unit sphere.
decimal RadToDeg(decimal rad)
const Mat3 kIdentityMat3
3x3 identity matrix
Quaternion DCMToQuaternion(const Mat3 &dcm)
Convert a rotation matrix (Direction Cosine Matrix) to a quaternion representing the same rotation.
decimal Angle(const Vec3 &vec1, const Vec3 &vec2)
Calculate the inner angle, in radians, between two vectors.
decimal DecimalModulo(decimal x, decimal mod)
Given a decimal, find it "modulo" another decimal, in the true mathematical sense (not remainder).
void SerializeVec3(SerializeContext *ser, const Vec3 &vec)
Serialize a Vec3 to buffer. Takes up space according to SerializeLengthVec3.
Vec3 DeserializeVec3(DeserializeContext *des)
A two dimensional vector with decimaling point components.
decimal MagnitudeSq() const
The square of the magnitude.
Vec2 operator-(const Vec2 &) const
Usual vector subtraction.
decimal operator*(const Vec2 &) const
Vec2 operator+(const Vec2 &) const
Usual vector addition.
decimal Magnitude() const