LOST: Open-source Star Tracker
▼Nlost | LOST starting point |
CAttitudeEstimationAlgorithm | An attitude estimation algorithm estimates the orientation of the camera based on identified stars |
CDavenportQAlgorithm | A slow but reliable attitude estimation algorithm |
CTriadAlgorithm | A fast attitude estimator which only takes into account information from two stars |
CQuestAlgorithm | A faster and just as accurate attitude estimator as the Davenport Q algorithm |
CVec2 | A two dimensional vector with decimaling point components |
CVec3 | Three dimensional vector with decimaling point components |
CMat3 | 3x3 vector with decimaling point components |
CEulerAngles | A "human-readable" way to represent a 3d rotation or orientation |
CQuaternion | A quaternion is a common way to represent a 3d rotation |
CAttitude | The attitude (orientation) of a spacecraft |
CCamera | A full description of a camera. Enough information to reconstruct the camera matrix and then some |
CCentroidParams | |
CIWCoGParams | |
CCentroidAlgorithm | An algorithm that detects the (x,y) coordinates of bright points in an image, called "centroids" |
CDummyCentroidAlgorithm | A centroid algorithm for debugging that returns random centroids |
CCenterOfGravityAlgorithm | A simple, fast, and pretty decent centroid algorithm |
CIterativeWeightedCenterOfGravityAlgorithm | A more complicated centroid algorithm which doesn't perform much better than CenterOfGravityAlgorithm |
CKVectorPair | |
CKVectorIndex | A data structure enabling constant-time range queries into fixed numerical data |
CPairDistanceKVectorDatabase | A database storing distances between pairs of stars |
CMultiDatabase | |
CMultiDatabaseEntry | |
CGeneratedStar | A star used in simulated image generation. Contains extra data about how to simulate the star |
CCentroidComparison | The result of comparing actual and expected centroids Used for debugging and benchmarking |
CUserSpecifiedOutputStream | An output stream which might be a file or stdout |
CImage | An 8-bit grayscale 2d image |
CPipelineOptions | The command line options passed when running a pipeline |
CPipelineInput | Represents the input and expected outputs of a pipeline run |
CGeneratedPipelineInput | A pipeline input which is generated (fake image) |
CPngPipelineInput | A pipeline input created by reading a PNG from a file on disk |
CPipelineOutput | The result of running a pipeline |
CStarIdComparison | The result of comparing an actual star identification with the true star idenification, used for testing and benchmarking |
CPipeline | A set of algorithms that describes all or part of the star-tracking "pipeline" |
CDatabaseOptions | Commannd line options when using the database command |
CSerializeContext | |
CDeserializeContext | |
CIRUnidentifiedCentroid | Unidentified centroid used in IdentifyRemainingStarsPairDistance The "angles" through here are "triangular angles" |
CPairDistanceInvolvingIterator | Given a list of star pairs, finds all those pairs which involve a certain star |
CStarIdAlgorithm | A star idenification algorithm |
CDummyStarIdAlgorithm | A star-id algorithm that returns random results. For debugging |
CGeometricVotingStarIdAlgorithm | A star-id algorithm based on assigning votes for each centroid-catalog pair then choosing the highest voted catalog stars |
CPyramidStarIdAlgorithm | The "de facto" star-id algorithm used in many real-world missions |
CCatalogStar | A star from the Bright Star Catalog |
CStar | A "centroid" detected in an image |
CStarIdentifier | Records that a certain Star (detected in the image) corresponds to a certain CatalogStar |